Tuesday, September 18, 2012

jz a story 8~


Shaun love music, for him no music no life! English song is the main language he’ll listen to, he will only listen to the others when his friends influence him. He loves playing with his guitar, not to mention, his guitar is just like his wife! He always learned songs himself from internet, English songs while he usually listens to English songs. He will never thought that he will learn this one particular Chinese song on guitar, and it’s simply because about Maryvonne. There’s this movie named “you are the apple of my eye” which it’s a Chinese movie from Taiwan. Shaun din’t know much about the movie, all he know is that Maryvonne loves this movie so much including the theme song which is why he learned the song. Besides, he watched the movie twice and thinking about her all the time for the whole movie, because the reason why he’ll watch the show is Maryvonne. “you are the apple of my eye” has also in story book that Shaun is wishing so much that it would publish it in English cuz currently it’s only have Chinese version. Sad, he will just buy no matter how much it cost if it’s in English.

Chinese new year is around the corner! Jamie is back again from Australia for the coming celebrations, and again, they both Shaun n Jamie texting with each other. They both actually talk about who they crush on, it’s so cool right to talk about your crush with your ex. Shaun actually trying to deny that he don’t have any crush, and he din’t know that Jamie has a twitter account and did saw all the tweets from Shaun. He was like, no wonder she know so much but she dint know who exactly the girl is. Jamie keep telling Shaun to go for the girl, hoping that he’ll have the chance to be with the girl. You know what? Jamie actually said that the girl will be very lucky if she really accept Shaun’s love, because she really felt so lucky to have Shaun as her boyfriend once and since she couldn’t be the lucky one, she hope that the girl that Shaun is going after will know it that she’s lucky. Shaun replied, “no use if you’re telling me this, cuz she won’t know that she’s the lucky one unless you tell her, and seriously, no chance at all for me and her to be together.” How good if Maryvonne know she will be a lucky girl to have Shaun as her boyfriend.

What else can Shaun do besides being her guardian angel without letting her know anything about it? Stil repeats d same thing > pass by her hse to check on her safety, wait for her to go back aft tuit, etc. There was 2 months Shaun stop for the tuition. And guess what he do? He still come to the tuition centre after every tuition classes to wait for Maryvonne to go back safely. He is really such a fool, in wasting his time and petrol. But in the end he still thinks its was worth it! Another one fine day, Shaun saw that Maryvonne’s mechanical pencil is so old and a bit spoilt, so he walk all the way to the nearest shop to buy a new one during tuition class! It was raining and he don’t really care, he just walk under the rain cause he wanted to get it for her before tuition class end. He bought, and he know that she won’t just accept it like that, so he done this stupid thing that is he throw it into her bag just like that. Hoping that she will just use it if she suddenly found it in her bag.

The next day, she came around and ask who is the one that put in her bag, no one knows but Shaun. Maryvonne din’t ask get him because she forgot what she said about the stay friend thingy. It means, they have no more communication, how will she ask him. She is actually angry that why isn’t anyone admit about the mechanical pencil, and its obviously hurt Shaun. Few weeks later, Shaun saw something awesome though it’s jz a small matter but it really made his day by seeing Maryvonne using the mechanical pencil! How cool is that, but if she were to use it and know that it’s from him, that is infinity awesome for Shaun.

The first time he ever met her, he had no idea things would have gone this far. Sometimes he wonder, how different his life would have been if they never met. Those eyes and that gorgeous smile. There were butterflies in his tummy when ever their eyes met. So much that he wanted to say, yet nothing would come out from his mouth. Shaun kind of sacrifice a lot for Maryvonne, but her heart is jz too difficult to get or is it her heart already belong to someone else? No idea. He actually started to learn playing table tennis because she loves it, which it’s totally not his thing. Of course not as pro as her because he is just a beginner, it’s a new thing for him. Few months later, Shaun is tired and fed up of what respond he get from Maryvonne, he is exhausted! Now, he decide to move on and continue searching for another girl where she will really appreciate him. Seriously, a girl that have a guy like him, I would say, she is really the lucky one. Shaun stops everything on her but still he will care or help her up quietly as he stil love her.

p.s it’s not a happy ending but lets just hope that Shaun will put his love to someone that loves him too.

The end~