Monday, May 27, 2013

8th Weeks In CCA

We did some baking on Monday! yea baby yea.... haha!

swiss roll that haven't being roll where it just came out from the oven! hehehe

we rolled it and this is why it called swiss ROLL

chef's cutting the sponge cake.

take a nearer look at our sponge cake! XD

Wednesday, it was fun because we made our own noodles! We made the dough, and slowly roll it with the dough roller, cut it with the roller too and we cook it! YUM YUM.

home made!! XD

we cooked fettuccine! it's really yummy..

Oh! I forgotten another dish that we made on the same day because the home made noodles was too excited and the fettuccine was delicious plus this another dish was just vegetables. You know, VEGETABLES...... hahahaha..

braised cabbage. there's carrot, onion and round cabbage as the fillings. it was wrapped with the chinese cabbage. on the other hand, we cooked fish stock and come out with the sauce of this dish. XD

Thursday! hmmm.... i skipped class that day because wanted to go temple, SKE, for the wesak procession. It's quite sad to skip class, but wesak once a year! Plus this was the 1st time i went to help under distributing water. It was indeed a great experience. :)) Well, I was planning to go class and I will shoot back Mlc after my class which is 4pm until i get to know that i have to be at the temple at 5pm! =.= In the end, I've decided to take a day off from my chef. I was so emotional until i couldn't sleep the day before i ask permission from my chef because I damn scared she wasn't allow me to go. haha. I wasn't regret that i choose wesak over my class so far. :) Friday's a public holiday, so we off too.

Anyway, i was suppose to do another type of puree soup. Cook pumpkin soup. I wasn't there but i got the picture from my classmate. Hehe.

it's my chef's presentation. XD

P.s. hope you guys enjoying READING my blog instead of just looking at those pictures. haha!!


  1. I am honestly so jealous of what you get to do :(

    1. XD thanks for reading. well, you may take up some courses about culinary too?
