went sunway pyramid today!! i wanted to go dis place since i'm F3.. lol.. finally i step into dis place.. yeah.. thax to my 2nd sis.. hehehe.. i jln jln n cari mkn.. so here v go...

went t-bowl for lunch!! yea.. well... after i eat ny i noe mlc gonna open one t-bowl soon.. aish.. shud save my tummy for other food.. but nvm!! i eat it at kl in sunway pyramid!! xp.. thehe..

cute le their decoration..

mine!! nt say very nice la.. d chic in d toilet bowl!!

my sis's food..

seafood soup.. yum yum!!
den v go jln jln... v enter dis "krispy kreme" like big apple donut one..

nice!! act.. kinda same oso la wit big apple doughnut.. lol..
next stop at "sister's crispy popiah..

it's yummy!! nice popiah.. muz try ppl...
went TGI friday's for my dinner!! wow.. damn shuang man me.. lol.. so here..

dis is our appetizer.. it's damn nice!!

it's macaroni n cheese in it!! yum yum....


beef burger~~ look at d cheese... omg...

our dessert.. yummy man!!! full like my tummy gonna burst at dat moment.. thaha.. but stil eat!! hehe.. luv to eat man.. yeah...

and finally.. went for movie thr.. TGV cinemas.. its cool in thr.. i cant get d pic cuz its kinda dark inside.. my fon camera nt dat canggih.. i dint bring camera.. dats d prob.. thehe.. went watch burlesque.. its awesome show!!
p.s food!!!! i think i can be d host for jln jln cari mkn.. lol..